Poster of the workshop. In the background it shows a photo from La pointe de Pen-Bron. Over the picture, there is the title "Tomour targeting, imaging, radiotherapies - workshop. October 9th - 12th, 2024. Erquy, France". In the left corner, there is the logo of Cancéropôle Grand-Ouest.

The 17th edition of “Tumour targeting, Imaging, Radiotherapies” workshop will be held in Erquy (France) from 9th to 12th October. The event will gather biologists, chemists, physicists, computer scientists and physicians working on developing molecular and external beam radiotherapies in oncology. 

Our project coordinator Massimo Alfano from Ospedale San Raffaele (Milan, Italy) will intervene as invited speaker. As leader of the Urological Research Institute’s Extracellular Microenvironment Unit, Dr. Alfano will explain their research “Light the fire of undetectable bladder cancer lesions“. 

Particularly, this edition focusses on therapeutic applications using lutetium-177, demonstrating the evolution of nuclear medicine. Other topics such as the role of nanovectors for imaging, internal and external radiotherapies, or tumour and microenvironment targeting will also be addressed. 

The workshop will include thematic sessions with selected oral presentations from young researchers and lectures by invited expert speakers. These sessions will offer valuable opportunities for discussions on innovative topics and will highlight the integration of multiple disciplines. 

More information about the event, registration and programme can be found here.  

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